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Health and Safety Policy
According to the local and international legislation, it is required by the employer to have a written health and safety policy. The health and safety policy must be signed by the top management to show the commitment to workplace safety and health. It also gives authority to the policy means someone will be responsible for ensuring the policy.
The health and safety policy is a written statement of commitments, objectives and goals. It should cover all aspects of activities carried out by an employer. It should suit the company as there are no legal requirements on what it should include, and it should be regularly updated.
Generally, a health and safety policy is divided into three sections.
- Statement of Intent
- The Organization or responsibility section
- The Arrangements section
A good health and safety policy should include,
- Aim and objectives
- Signed by Top management
- Date
- Comply with legislation
- Safe and healthy environment by reducing risk
- The priority of safety with other goals
- Employees cooperation in practicing health and safety policy
The health and safety policy should easily understand by all employees, available at conspicuous, followed by all employees and reviewed annually to keep it updated.
Download the health and safety policy sample/format/example from below.
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